Operator Classes
The classes are nested as follows:
![digraph G {
bgcolor = transparent
node [shape=box];
OpMember [label="OpMember"];
ndarray [label="np.ndarray"];
MatchingCondition [label="MatchingCondition" ];
PhysicalOperator [label="PhysicalOperator"];
Operator [label="Operator" ];
OME [label="OME" ];
OperatorGrid [label="OperatorGrid"];
OperatorGrid -> Operator;
OperatorGrid -> OME;
Operator -> PhysicalOperator [weight=100,style=dashed];
PhysicalOperator -> ndarray [style=dashed];
OME -> MatchingCondition [weight=100,style=dashed];
MatchingCondition -> ndarray [style=dashed];
Operator -> OpMember;
OpMember -> PhysicalOperator [dir=back];
OME -> OpMember;
OpMember -> MatchingCondition [dir=back];
OperatorGrid -> OpMember -> ndarray [style=invis];
nesting of the operator classes: solid lines means “has many”, dashed lines means “evolves into”
is the master class which administrates all operator tasks
is instantiated once for each run
holds all necessary configurations
holds all necessary instances of the Utility Classes
represents a configuration for a fixed final scale \(Q_1^2\)
performs the actual computation
uses the 3-dimensional Operator Anomalous Dimension Basis
are only valid in the current threshold area
is the connection of the
between the different flavor basesis initialized with the 3-dimensional Operator Anomalous Dimension Basis
does recombine the operator in the Operator Intrinsic QCD Evolution Basis (see Matching Conditions)
exports the operators to Operator Flavor Basis in a
represents a single operator in Mellin space for a given element of the Operator Bases
they are in Operator Anomalous Dimension Basisinside
they are in Operator Intrinsic QCD Evolution Basis